1. Extract the file to your DocumentRoot

e.g. # tar xvfz aphpkb-x.xx.x.tgz -C /-documentroot-/

1.1 For Linux/Unix, check that you have the correct permissions and ownership.


        # cd /-documentroot-/
        # chmod 755 -R ./aphpkb
        # chown -R apache:apache ./aphpkb

another example (using MacOSX),

	# cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/
	# chmod 775 -R ./aphpkb
	# chown -R www:devuser ./aphpkb

1.2 Additionally, the 'attach' folder should have permissions for read-write by the owner but not execution permissions

	# cd /path-to-aphpkb/
	# chmod 600 ./attach

2. Create the Database

# mysql -u [database user]
 mysql> create database akb;
 mysql> use akb;
 mysql> exit
# mysql -u [database user] akb < /path-to-aphpkb/docs/akb.sql

3. Knowledgebase setup



If Aphpkb has not been setup yet, the page will display this file, the next step is to click on the Step 1 - Database link on the menu.

It is important that once the final step has taken place, that the database has been created from item 2 on this guide.

4. You should now be ready to access your knowledgebase and create articles.

Please feel free to send any feedback / comments / fixes to dev@aphpkb.org